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New Bitmap Image.jpg

a fundraising company

smart products,

responsible business,

and revenue for charities


a fundraising company

smart products,

responsible business,

and revenue for charities

why a not for profit?

You can't trust a company that only exists to make the shareholders wealthy; you can trust us though. NFP Ltd is not for profit. We aim to do business in a socially and environmentally responsible way while generating revenue for New Zealand charities.



Too socially responsible to be a charity

NFP Limited was a registered charity (CC53386). We de-registered it. Charities Services does not allow a charity to benefit either the environment or the community in which it does business. In the case of a charity that exists to raise funds for other charities, as is the case here, raising funds (making a profit to then pass on to beneficiary charities) must be the sole focus. The charity cannot have business ventures that are generally socially responsible as this reduces profit for the charity by diverting revenue to other causes. So charities have to maximize profits or de register; we de registered.


cook strait wherry

Lots of people like rowing. Even more people like fishing. There are not many sliding seat rowing boats designed for fishing. We have designed a rowing boat to meet the following criteria: 1. long enough for sliding seat rowing 2. fast enough hull for good speed and range 3. will not sink in common Cook Strait conditions 4. suitable for setting nets and pulling cray pots 5. will not sink when being boarding from the water in full spearfishing gear. It will be in the water this summer; video to come!


We are working on a narrative based computer game or games. Novels and computer games each represent huge markets. The future of each can only be guessed but there seems to be an interesting area in combining the two. ‘Visual novels’, ‘dating sims’ and the like are incredibly popular examples of non linear story formats. It is in a similar space that we intend to launch a non linear, device based, story/game. We are aiming for a beta for early next year.

NFP bar

Concept stage. More to come.